位于臨江市三道溝河上游賈家營鄉境內,方圓7平方公里,已被白山市旅游局列為重點旅游開發項目。旅游區有“鷹嘴瀑布”、“神龜石”、“犀牛望月”、“二龍戲珠”、“懸崖攀巖”等多處獨特旅游景點,配以純天然、無污染的三道溝河和長白山原始森林,是人們度假、旅游觀光的好去處。Jiajia Ying Waterfall It is located in Jiajia Ying Village on the upper reaches of San Dao Gou River in Linjiang City, the area of 7 square km were exploited as an important tourism developmental item by Travel Bureau of Baishan City. At the tourism spot, there are many special spots, such as “Yingzui Waterfall”, ……